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Integrity + Quality + Continuity

Audit & Assurance

We provide Audits, Reviews, Compilations, Grant Compliance & Single Audits and Agreed Upon Procedures for a variety of entities.

Assurance services are important accountability mechanisms utilized in business. An assurance service provides an independent third party report to management, trustees, or other interested parties. These services protect the financial integrity of the entity which helps management and governance improve and streamline operations by evaluating the strength of the entity’s internal control. An assurance service can identify control weaknesses or operational errors.


An audit offers the highest level of assurance to third parties and includes in-depth examination and confirmation of account balances and selected transactions.

When we perform an audit, an essential step is understanding our client’s operations and the unique factors which set apart their organization. We develop a thorough understanding of our client’s activities, operating systems, internal control and special needs. We use this information to plan a complete but efficient audit; areas which require more attention are identified and unnecessary or redundant procedures are eliminated. We have tailored our audit approach based on our advanced understanding of the employee benefit plan, governmental and nonprofit industries in which the majority of our audit clients operate in.

We understand that our foremost responsibility as your auditor is to ascertain validity and reliability of the story being told.


A review provides limited assurance to outside interests and involves inquiries and analytical procedures that confirm financial statement matters and identify any items requiring further analysis. A review does not include the detailed procedures ordinarily performed in an audit. We perform reviews to ensure the integrity of client’s data.


A compilation is generally requested for internal purposes and is based upon information provided by the client’s management. We gather financial information from our clients and put this information in the correct financial statement format. A compilation does not provide an opinion regarding the accuracy of the financial statements as in an audit.

Grant Compliance & Single Audits

Governmental audits include compliance audits (referred to as single audits) performed under the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), program specific audits as defined under the Uniform Guidance, and other compliance audits and attestation engagements performed as required by federal, state, or local laws and regulations.

Agreed Upon Procedures

An agreed upon procedures engagement is an assurance service in which we are engaged by our clients to perform a specific list of procedures. We will not express an overall conclusion or opinion on the subject matter. Instead, we apply the procedures specified and issue a report which describes the procedures performed and the resulting findings.

Agreed upon procedures engagements are appropriate when our clients need our involvement but do not need a standard assurance engagement. At the onset of the engagement the client and us agree upon the procedures that are appropriate to meet the needs of the client.